
1998年8月31日, 北京市副市长林文漪和科委副主任朱炎在市政府办公楼会见SCOBA朱东屏博士, 并交谈金融数据发掘软件开发, 以及SCOBA与北京市的合作. 会后, 市科委拨专款支持朱东屏博士与北京科技大学计算机系杨炳儒教授, 合作开发数据发掘软件产品.
On August 13, Dr. D. Zhu revisited Beijing where he met with Deputy Mayor of Beijing and othe city officials.

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左起: 北京科技大学计算机系杨炳儒教授, SCOBA朱东屏博士, 北京市副市长林文漪, 科委副主任朱炎,
Dr. Dongping Zhu (second from left) meets with Vice Mayor of Beijing, Ms. Wen-Yi LIN (second from right) and
Mr. Yan ZHU, Deputy Head of Beijing Science & Technology Commission (first from right), August 13, 1998.
On the left is Professor Bing-Ru Yang of Beijing University of Science and Technology, an expert on AI.

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Dr. Dongping Zhu with Vice Mayor of Beijing, Ms. Wen-Yi LIN.