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Data Mining for Polymer Production

Optimizing Production of Butadiene Rubber


Performance of the Butadiene rubber is determined by its molecular weight ML, which has a normal range of values: 45±2. In production, the ML value measured every 2 hours

The material will have less elasticity if its ML is too high and less strength if ML is too low. The manufacturing process is complicated to model since it involves heat transfer, mass transfer, fluid flow, and chemical reactions.


Exact modeling is impossible, have to mine empirical data from history.


The ML values from history data were divided into 3 classes: class one for ML < 43, class two if ML falls within the interval of [43, 47], and class three if ML > 47.


A total of 45 factors have been identified that will affect the molecular weight ML value of the material. They include temperature, flow rate, feed of catalyst, feed of solvent oil, and so on.

After data mining, we discovered five factors, called principle factors, {Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5} that have significant effect on the material’s ML value, as described by the following table:




feed of butadiene


feed of solvent oil


feed of catalyst


temperature of feed


temperature at lower part of first reactor


Using MasterMiner, we successfully built a reliable mathematical model for the ML value in the 5-dimenional hyper-space spanned by {Z1, Z2, Z43, Z4, Z5} as follows

ML = 2.111-0.661Z1-0.00636Z2+0.03737Z3+0.01255Z4-0.02397Z5

The above model was used to control the material manufacturing with good results. The rate of good rubber was increased from 71% to 95.2%, and production yield rose from 89% to 93%. The net annual revenue was increased by US $0.25 million.

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